Recent census data for the Port Hedland local government area shows 17.6 per cent of the population is aged under 10 compared to the State average of 12.6 per cent. It is envisaged the new playground will become a social hub for visitors and families living in Port Hedland and neighbouring communities. The playground will include secure perimeter fencing, shade structures, native trees and shrubs and wetpour rubber softfall surfaces in play areas.
Thank you to everyone that provided feedback on the draft masterplan for the Port Hedland Marina and Waterfront. Your feedback has been collated and considered in the masterplan adopted by council in December 2019.

Further information can be found in the Masterplan reports below:
Port Hedland Marina and Waterfront Masterplan
Port Hedland Marina and Waterfront Place Plan
The detailed design phase of the Spoilbank Marina project is nearing completion which will mark a major milestone for the much-anticipated community project. Significant work has been undertaken to reach this stage, including technical studies, data analysis and modelling and design work.
In March, the Spoilbank Marina Taskforce visited Port Hedland to meet with the Board of the Kariyarra Aboriginal Corporation and the Port Hedland Yacht Club to discuss the latest project plans. The meetings also provided an opportunity to talk about potential employment, training and business opportunities as a result of the construction and ongoing operation of the marina. The Taskforce remains committed to maximising the potential economic benefit of the project to the Port Hedland community.
With design work almost complete, the project has now progressed to the environmental approvals stage. The referral package was submitted to the State Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in February, along with 15 attachments which included management plans, studies and investigations. The continued support and assistance from local groups such as Care for Hedland has been important in ensuring the relevant information and evidence is submitted to seek these approvals.
Detailed design is scheduled for completion by the end of April 2020 and construction is expected to commence by the end of the year.
Community and stakeholder involvement has been critical in ensuring the creation of a vibrant waterfront destination and deliver maximum economic and social benefits for the town, region and local community. The Town has engaged with the Port Hedland community over many years as plans for the Spoilbank have evolved. In line with the recent commitment to the project, the Town has initiated an engagement process to inform the formulation of the Masterplan, as follows:
- Stakeholder Interviews (August 2019)
- Vision and Design Workshop (12 September 2019)
- Kariyarra Workshop (4 & 5 September 2019)
- Kariyarra Design Workshop (30 September 2019)
- Online Survey (13-22 September 2019)
- Public Advertising of Masterplan (2-11 November 2019)
- Public Open Day (2 November 2019)
The outcomes of the process are contained in the Vision Placemaking and Design workshop Outcomes Report
The Spoilbank Community Reference Group (SCRG) has been formed to help ensure this project delivers the maximum economic and social benefits for the town by reflecting the direct views of stakeholders in the local community.
The SCRG provides stakeholder input and advice to the Land Activation Working Group. Members represent their organisation's views on the Marina and voice any concerns, recommendations or ideas in meetings.
The group consists of representation from the following groups:
- Port Hedland Volunteer Marine Sea Rescue
- Port Hedland Yacht Club
- Care for Hedland
- Returned and Services League (RSL)
- TS Pilbara
- Kariyarra
- Port Hedland Chamber of Commerce
- Port Hedland Fishing Club
- Hedland Collective
- Port Hedland Seafarers Centre
- GT Diving
- Pilbara Tourism Association
- Jayrow Helicopters
- 2x community members
Please click on the link below for Meeting Minutes and supporting documents:
SCRG Meeting 1 Minutes
Attachment - Spoilbank Community Reference Group - Terms of Reference
Attachment - Port Hedland Waterfront Place Plan (Village Well 2014)
Attachment - Spoilbank Marina Concept
SCRG Email Update 1