Planning Public Consultation
Planning and Development Act 2005
Application for Development Approval for Home Business (Gina Massage) on Lot 3094 (No. 5) Jibson Close, South Hedland
The Town of Port Hedland has received an application for development approval for the proposed Home Business (Gina Massage) on lot 3094 (No. 5) Jibson Close, South Hedland.
The proposed home business includes:
- Korean sports massage services;
- Operating hours – 9 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Saturday;
- 2 professional massagers onsite at any one time;
- Onsite parking on an existing driveway.
Details relating to the development application can be found here.
Should you wish to make a submission, please ensure that it is lodged by 8 April 2025. A written submission can be made:
Should you require any further information regarding this matter please contact Senior Urban Planner, Srinivas Nanjangud Balachandra on 08 9158 9347 or
Land Administration Act 1997
Application for Road Naming - Proposed Marina Rise, Spoilbank Quay and Yacht Club Lane at Spoilbank Marina, Port Hedland
The Town has received an application from Pilbara Ports for proposed new street names for Spoilbank Marina. Details of the proposal include:
- Haulage Road name proposed to be changed to Marina Rise
- Spoilbank Access Road proposed to be changed to Spoilbank Quays
- Yacht Club Access Road proposed to be changed to Yacht Club Lane
The applicant has provided the following justification for the names:
- The Haulage Road has already had Marina Road approved however; it is proposed to change to Marina Rise as the road rises as you approach the Marina.
- The main access road into Spoilbank is proposed to be Spoilbank, following the name it is known for in town following by 'Quays', as the roadway leading to a landing place alongside or projecting into the water.
- The Port Hedland Yacht Club is situated on this street, which is significant in representing a unique way of life associated with Port Hedland. Constructed in 2010, the yacht club enjoys an elevated position overlooking the ocean and is listed as a place of cultural heritage significance on the Town of Port Hedland Heritage Inventory. The Spoilbank Marina Precinct was constructed around retention of the yacht club, and the street name “Yacht Club Lane” reflects both a maritime theme and represents the history of the site in which the street is located.
Should you wish to make a submission, please ensure that it is lodged by 11 April 2025. A written submission can be made:
- In person: At the Civic Centre - 13 McGregor Street, Port Hedland;
- Via post: PO Box 41, Port Hedland WA 6721; or
- Via email:
Should you require any further information regarding this matter please contact Planning Services on 9158 9304 or
Planning and Development Act 2005
Application for Development Approval for the proposed mixed use commercial facility on Hamilton Road South Hedland
The RDAP/39 Agenda for the following meeting is now available on the DAP website
Date: 25 March 2025
Time: 9:30 am
Venue: Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage – 140 William Street, Perth
Please advise the DAP Secretariat should you wish to attend the meeting in person at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage Offices or via Zoom.
The following applications will be determined at this meeting:
Form 1
Town of Port Hedland
Lot 5977 Hamilton Road and Lot 2939 Roberts Street, South Hedland
Proposed mixed use commercial facility
Turner River Developments Pty Ltd
Town of Port Hedland
Form 1
City of Greater Geraldton
Lot 203 (No.179) Durlacher Street, Geraldton
Proposed service station and associated signage
Planning Solutions
J & B Rigter
If the Agenda contains two (2) or more local governments scheduled, then the agenda will also be available on the DAP Website separated into the various parts. As Agenda documents are updated regularly, please ensure you check online for the most current version. Updates to the Agenda including R13 directions and responses and approved presentations will be published within the related information document of this meeting and corresponding local government.
Should you require any further information regarding this matter please contact Planning Services on 9158 9304 or
Land Administration Act 1997
Application for Road Naming - Lumsden Point Port Hedland
The Town has received an application from Pilbara Ports for proposed new street names for Lumsden Point. Details of the proposal include:
- Bunarrah Drive
- Mulgan Way
- Nulgu Close
- Corrijong Way
The applicant has provided the following justification for the names:
A naming scheme has been developed based on a theme of local plants/trees in Kariyarra language.
- Bunarrah - Red Gum
- Mulgan - Tanning Bark Tree
- Corrijong - Tribal Connection
- Nulgu - Bush Onions
The proposed names have been selected based on:
- Names that are easy to pronounce
- Names that are unlikely to be confused with each other, or with other local features, localities, landmarks etc.
- Linking the hierarchy of roads with the hierarchy of meanings (eg. “Large tree” for primary road and “small tree” for secondary road).
- Conformance with the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4819:2011, in accordance with the Policy and Standard for Geographical Naming in Western Australia.
The proposed roads are located here
Should you wish to make a submission, please ensure that it is lodged by 18 April 2025. A written submission can be made:
- In person: At the Civic Centre - 13 McGregor Street, Port Hedland;
- Via post: PO Box 41, Port Hedland WA 6721; or
- Via email:
Should you require any further information regarding this matter please contact Planning Services on 9158 9304 or