Liquor Licensing
A liquor licence is required from the Department of Racing, Gaming & Liquor when alcohol is intended to be sold, supplied or consumed, unless an exemption is applicable.
A number of different liquor licences exist, according to the nature in which alcohol is supplied to the community. A temporary liquor licence is an occasional licence which is granted solely for specific short term durations and usually for events.
The Town performs the following functions around liquor licensing:
- Consumption of alcohol on a Town facility or reserve
- Where alcohol is to be consumed on a Town facility or reserve, an application must be submitted to the Environmental Health department for assessment and approval
- Authorisation under health legislation
- As per section 39 of the Liquor Control Act 1988, the Environmental Health department conducts an inspection of new licensed premises to assess compliance with requirements of health legislation
Useful links:
Application to Consume Alcohol on a Council Facility or Reserve
Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor application kits
For further information please contact the Department of Racing, Gaming & Liquor on 6551 4888, visit its website, or contact the Town’s Environmental Health department on 9158 9300.