Sustainability grants
Initiatives and education programs for individuals and community groups to deliver positive environmental, sustainability and conservation outcomes.
The Sustainability Grant supports initiatives outlined in the Town of Port Hedland Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2022-2027 https://www.porthedland.wa.gov.au/documents/3991/environmental-sustainability-strategy-2022-2027
This grant focuses on outcomes which promote, enhance and protect natural resources and areas of environmental significance, conserving and preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems, reducing pollution and waste, preparing the community and mitigating the effects of climate change, protecting a threatened species, delivering positive community based sustainability initiatives and education programs supporting environmental, sustainability and conservation outcomes.
The funded deliverable must support the Town’s outcomes as established in the Town of Port Hedland Sustainability Strategy 2022-2027 and be undertaken in the Town of Port Hedland Local Government area.
Applicants don’t necessarily need to be locally based but the funded activity/outcome must be solely based in the Town of Port Hedland Local Government area.
Businesses, not for profits and community members are welcome to apply.
The proposal to be funded must be able to be completed and acquitted within 12 months of funding.
For projects extending past a 12 month period, an alternative funding model should be explored with external agencies.
Documents & information required
To be considered for funding a proposal including the following must be submitted:
- Proposed activity/outcome initiative including detailed description of the outcome to be funded.
- Relevance to the Town of Port Hedland Sustainability Strategy 2022-2027
- Project plan and timeline for deliverables detailing how will the success of the project be measured (KPIs)
- Detailed costs / expenditure summary
- Include any quotes for supply of materials, hire costs etc
- Statutory requirements applicable to the application
- Summary of any legislated or regulatory requirements, such as licences / permits / approvals, relevant to the proposal
- Communications
- How the success of the proposal could be communicated to the community.
funding rounds
Open all year round (or until the annual funding allocation is exhausted).
value of grant
$5,000 to $25,000 per application
what will be funded
- Activities that are cofounded or consolidated with other funding packages will be considered but additional funding pathways must be confirmed prior to application for this funding package.
- Activities must be directly related and support to successful delivery of initiatives established in the Town of Port Hedland Sustainability Strategy 2022-27.
what will not be funded
- Facilities that are used for commercial activities unless it can be demonstrated that grant funding is integral to achieving outcomes such as energy efficiency targets from an applicant’s energy management plan
- Projects and/or facilities that are the responsibility of the Australian or Western Australian Governments with the exception of schools that can demonstrate broader community use of their facilities
- Projects that have already commenced prior to the payment of the grant funds to the applicant
- General operating expenses, e.g. electricity, lease/rent payments, telephone bills, that are part of the ongoing expenses of the applicant organisation
- Staff costs or salaries where staff are involved in project delivery. This is considered in-kind support
- Projects that require ongoing funding unless the source of the ongoing funding is assured.
Application process
Applications for the Sustainability grant must be submitted through the Town of Port Hedland SmartyGrants portal
more information
Email grants@porthedland.wa.gov.au or call (08) 9111 5000