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2024 Candidates

Updated 5:00am Wednesday 24 January 2024.



Port Hedland is my home, and my children have grown up in a town which has given them the opportunities to succeed in their chosen careers.

As a teacher of music locally, and teaching students remotely through our School of the Air, I see the pressures and needs of many who live and work in our town. Families are struggling and our council must recognise this more to help our community.

As a resident, I see the need for much improvement for everyone who resides here. Our town, as we all know, is the Heart Beat of the Australian Economy, Port Hedland is keeping our vibrant country alive. 

We all know what we need for our town, so let's strive together and make this happen. 

Our town and its people, deserve to be recognised for the important part we all play in our remote region. 

Your support in this extraordinary election is appreciated.

Please take the time to Vote.

Mobile: 0407 991 227

Postal Address: 3 Simmons Street PORT HEDLAND 6721



I am a Port Hedland-born local and proud Banjima man. I live with my 5 kids and partner in South Hedland.

My career has seen me working in mining for over a decade and I have a strong background in corporate governance, human resources, and leading and influencing workforce culture and values.

I prioritise a focus on education for young people in our community and I am a strong advocate of empowering individuals, organisations, and our community, to be self-regulating and to operate with a healthy degree of autonomy. 

I am focused on advocating for and enhancing opportunities for our community and local organisations to strengthen the relationship with the ToPH, through engaging in respectful and meaningful discussions, so that our Community feels supported.

I believe that it is important to ensure that our Council has a diverse perspective when making decisions related to issues such as infrastructure investments and future planning activities.

I am ready to help guide our Town.

Additional information for LOCKYER, Henry

Mobile: 0437 295 513

Postal Address: 14 Pundul Avenue SOUTH HEDLAND 6722


Social Network:

FISHER, Jillian

Regularly questioning the ToPH at Council Meetings, I now ask the Hedland community to elect me as Councillor.


IMO, if you take the job on, you cannot sit there like a stunned mullet and just take the $35k+ per year this position offers.

You must read the 700+ pages in the Agenda and sometimes 1000+ pages of supporting Attachments. You must understand what you read, research and ask questions, talk to residents and pointedly debate whatever comes across your desk. You are the manager of risk and the champion of community return; the mouthpiece of what the community wants and does not want.

You are a representative of the residents; you are not their ruler, and you are certainly NOT above the rules!

IT IS NOT YOUR MONEY to frivolously spend on extravagant uneconomical projects - it is the hourly result of every Hedland ratepayer's hard-earned toil! Councillors must remember that!

We want action on Hedland's issues NOW!

Mobile: 0419 702 608


Social Network:

MCRAE, Adrian

In 2009, I created GBTK; now a highly respected & successful Hedland-based construction company, working across Australia in the civil, mining & automotive sectors.

GBTK has employed hundreds of Hedland, WA & Aussie residents over the years & with its ethos of Integrity, Mateship, Ingenuity & Service, it's now time to give back to Port Hedland.

All Hedland folks share the same concerns regarding the liveability of our once-great town. Having suffered several stolen vehicles & multiple break-ins, I've had enough of Hedland's pathetic response to local crime, to our unsustainable living costs & to the reckless spending of our town's revenue base.

Through my philanthropic endeavours, I'm fortunate to have worked with many global leaders in business & politics, media & entertainment, food & medicine. With my business acumen & non-profit experience, I will bring a new level of integrity, accountability & fiscal responsibility to Hedland's council. In short, I will "Think Global - Act Local"

Mobile: 0424 433 333


JACOB, Gloria

I am proud to nominate, bringing 40yrs of residency, 30yrs of business experience, and a previous term on the Council (2011-2015).

We face critical challenges and opportunities, Port Hedland needs experienced leadership with a deep understanding of our community needs and the role of local government. In my earlier Council term, Council negotiated investment for Osprey Village Key Worker Housing, Marina Development, Airport Commercial Lease, and Kingsford Smith Business Park.

I am committed to building a sustainable future, addressing community concerns, fostering economic growth, supporting local businesses, and enhancing essential services. Good management and long-term planning are essential elements in achieving this vision.

Transparency, accountability, and community engagement will guide my decisions.

Inclusive governance respecting Hedland's cultural heritage, diversity, and significance to the nation's economy is my commitment.

I seek your support, you matter. Vote for Experience.

Mobile: 0417 902 717


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