Placemaking grants
Placemaking is the process of transforming public spaces into engaging, attractive and functional places where residents can connect, participate and thrive. The Town of Port Hedland (the Town) is committed to creating vibrant, inclusive and sustainable communities through placemaking initiatives.
The Placemaking grant encourages visitation, increase beautification and activation of the streetscape and builds stronger connections between community and place. The grant supports business-led and community-led initiatives to encourage local communities, organisations and businesses to lead the revitalisation of public spaces.
The purpose of this stream is to support projects delivered by local businesses that will improve the shopfront of local businesses to encourage visitation, increase beautification and activation of the streetscape.
The purpose of this stream is to support projects that will enhance the public realm through community-led beautification and activation of public spaces. This stream aims to build stronger links between the place and community.
The overarching objectives of the Placemaking Grant are:
- Revitalisation of Public Spaces
- Support projects that reimagine and enhance underutilized or neglected public spaces to create inviting and accessible areas for community use.
- Social Cohesion and Community Engagement
- Encourage projects that strengthen community bonds, inclusivity, and cultural diversity by creating spaces that foster meaningful interactions and engagement among residents.
- Artistic Expression and Creativity
- Promote placemaking projects that incorporate artistic elements, installations, or performances, inspiring creativity and adding a distinct cultural identity to the community spaces.
- Sustainable and Eco-friendly Solutions
- Support initiatives that prioritize environmental sustainability, resource conservation, and the use of eco-friendly materials in placemaking projects.
Key dates
The Town will accept applications to the Placemaking Grant at any time. Applications will be assessed monthly. The assessments round will close on the last Friday of each month.
How to apply
Applications for the Placemaking Grant must be submitted through the Town of Port Hedland SmartyGrants portal
Community-Led Placemaking Grant
In addition to the above, specific objective of community-led stream is to enhance the public realm and build stronger links between place and community.
Applicant eligibility
The applicant to be considered eligible for funding, it should:
- be a registered non-for-profit* and incorporated (under Associations Incorporation Act 2015) or auspiced by an incorporated association, which does not hold a contract that financially benefits the incorporated association
- community group or individual that can be auspiced by an incorporated association**
- not have received Town of Port Hedland funding within the current financial year
*school or learning institution may apply only where the project is not curriculum based, or where the activity or benefit is not confined to the learning institution but is for the primary benefit of the wider community
**where an organisation holds an existing financially beneficial contract with the Town, the funding cannot be used to supplement the implementation of these contracts.
Eligible ProjectS and Cost
For a project to be considered eligible for funding, it should:
- be designed to engage the local community and activate spaces, including ground floor tenancies and streetscapes
- create an inclusive and accessible space to encourage increased patronage and visitors to the space
- enhance the aesthetic appeal of a publicly accessible space
- encourage more people to visit, invest, live, work, play and spend time in a place
- project materials and equipment essential to the project, including freight costs
- venue hire, where this is not an approved in-kind contribution of the Town
- contracted labor costs, performers and/or artists fees including travel and accommodation where there is no local suitable option
- publicity, marketing and communications costs
- catering when incorporated into a community building project and where it does not exceed 5% of total budget
- administration fees where it does not exceed 10% of the total budget
- public liability insurance costs associated with the project
- be able to be delivered to a high standard within 12 months of date of approval
- be located in the Town of Port Hedland’s boundaries
- demonstrate alignment with the Town of Port Hedland’s strategic priorities, projects, and objectives
The Town will favourably consider applications that demonstrate a capital contribution of more than 50%.
Ineligible applicants
The Town will not be considered applications from:
- are not a registered business
- are not based or do not operate within the Town’s boundaries
- have not finalised acquittal requirements for previous funding
- have an existing contract in which you receive other forms of funding from Council
- have overdue or outstanding debts to Council, including unacquitted grant funding
- are a government agency or department, or political party
- an applicant auspicing the grant on behalf of another body or entity
- an employee or elected member of the Town, or their immediate family, however this does not include an application from an organisation that an employee, elected member or their immediate family member may be a part of.
Ineligible projects and costs
The following projects or costs are ineligible for funding under Placemaking Grant:
- are not accessible for public attendance or restrict public attendance, including any private or invitation only events
- do not demonstrate substantial benefits to the improvement of local services available to residents, businesses and/or visitors to Port Hedland
- do not demonstrate the activation and/or beautification of public spaces
- are directly related the resource industry (unless substantial local community benefits can be demonstrated)
- are inconsistent with the values of the Town of Port Hedland
- are covered by other grants offered by the Town
- purchase, supply or licensing of alcohol
- operational costs of the local business or organisation
- administration fees over 10% of the total cost of the project
- fundraising events
- projects which are solely for the benefit of an individual or business
- events where the purpose does not meet the objective of this grant
Assessment criteria
Applicants will be assessed on the extent to which they address the following criteria:
- Local Impact
- Economic and community impacts
- The potential impact of the project on the target population and wider community
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Public access
- Proposed project demonstrates an inclusive and accessible approach in terms of programming and audience engagement.
- Strategic Alignment
- Alignment to the Town’s strategic priorities, projects, and objectives
- Application
- Completeness and comprehensiveness of the application
Assessment process
Applications are assessed by a three-person panel. The funding panel will make a recommendation of full, part or no funding to the Town of Port Hedland Administration for their endorsement.
The Town reserves the right to request further information from the applicant regarding the project as well as the right to reject any application for any reason.
Applications for the Community-Led Placemaking Grant must be submitted through the Town of Port Hedland SmartyGrants portal
Decisions and notification
Applications may be accepted in full, accepted in part or rejected. The decision made is final and not subject to further appeal.
Applicants should allow up to 60 days to be notified of the outcome of their application.
Successful applicants will be listed on the Town of Port Hedland website, along with a summary of the supported project.
Funding agreement and acquittals
Successful applicants must enter into a written funding agreement with the Town before funding is provided. The funding agreement will specify the funding provided and commit the project proponent to any funding conditions including timeframes, outputs and outcomes, contribution amounts.
The applicant is required to provide the Town with:
- regular project updates
- a financial acquittal of the funds
The applicant must enter into an agreement with the Town within one month of being notified of their project being successful. Failure to enter into an agreement within this timeframe will result in the funding offer being rescinded.
Business-Led Placemaking Grant
In addition to the above, specific objective of business-led stream is to encourage visitation, increase beautification and activation of streetscapes in our commercial areas.
Applicant eligibility
The applicant to be considered eligible for funding, it should:
- have a project or idea which may require funding
- be a locally operating business entity
- be able to demonstrate compliance to relevant laws, trading requirements and standards
- not have received Town of Port Hedland funding within the current financial year
Project eligibility
For a project to be considered eligible for funding, it should:
- be designed to engage the local community and activate spaces, including ground floor tenancies and streetscapes
- can demonstrate alignment to economic development or enhanced quality of place
- create an inclusive and accessible space to encourage increased patronage and visitors to the space
- enhance the aesthetic appeal of a publicly accessible space, including streetscapes
- encourage more people to visit, invest, live, work, play and spend time in a place
- be able to be delivered to a high standard within 12 months of date of approval
- be located in the Town of Port Hedland’s boundaries
- demonstrate alignment with the Town of Port Hedland’s strategic priorities, projects, and objectives
Where the project includes capital works, applicants are required to contribute at least 50% to the total project capital works costs. This can include contributions by third parties, such as other grant funding received.
The Town will not recognise any retrospective payments made towards the project as a contribution towards the required amount of capital.
The Town will favourably consider applications that demonstrate a capital contribution of more than 50%.
Ineligible applicants
The Town will not be considered applications from:
- are not a registered business
- are not based or do not operate within the Town’s boundaries
- have not finalised acquittal requirements for previous funding
- have an existing contract in which you receive other forms of funding from Council
- have overdue or outstanding debts to Council, including unacquitted grant funding
- are a government agency or department, or political party
- an applicant auspicing the grant on behalf of another body or entity
- an employee or elected member of the Town, or their immediate family, however this does not include an application from an organisation that an employee, elected member or their immediate family member may be a part of.
Ineligible projects and costs
The following projects or costs are ineligible for funding under Placemaking Grant:
- are not accessible for public attendance or restrict public attendance, including any private or invitation only events
- do not demonstrate substantial benefits to the improvement of local services available to residents, businesses and/or visitors to Port Hedland
- do not demonstrate the activation and/or beautification of public spaces including streetscapes
- have negative impacts to surrounding business or neighbours
- are directly related the resource industry (unless substantial local community benefits can be demonstrated)
- are inconsistent with the values of the Town of Port Hedland
- are covered by other grants offered by the Town
- purchase, supply or licensing of alcohol
- operational costs of the local business or organisation
- administration fees over 10% of the total cost of the project
- fundraising events
- projects which are solely for the benefit of an individual or business
- events where the purpose does not meet the objective of this grant
Assessment criteria
Applicants will be assessed on the extent to which they address the following criteria:
- Local Impact
- Economic and community impacts
- The potential impact of the project on the target population and wider community
- Sustainability
- The long-term sustainability of the project, where a permeant project
- Potential for replication or scaling up of the project without long-term funding from Council
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Public access
- Proposed project demonstrates an inclusive and accessible approach in terms of programming and audience engagement.
- Risks
- Capacity for the applicant to deliver the project
- Current or future risks to sustainability of the applicant and/or the project
- Risks to the Town’s reputation for supporting the project.
- Strategic Alignment
- Alignment to the Town’s strategic priorities, projects, and objectives
- Community support for the project
- Application
- Completeness and comprehensiveness of the application.
Applications for the Business-Led Placemaking Grant must be submitted through the Town of Port Hedland SmartyGrants portal
Decisions and notification
Applications may be accepted in full, accepted in part or rejected. The decision made is final and not subject to further appeal.
Applicants should allow up to three months to be notified of the outcome of their application.
Funding decisions may be delayed to a future funding round if the competitiveness of the application cannot be immediately determined.
Successful applicants will be listed on the Town of Port Hedland website, along with a summary of the supported project.
Funding agreement and acquittals
Successful applicants must enter into a written funding agreement with the Town before funding is provided. The funding agreement will specify the funding provided and commit the project proponent to any funding conditions including timeframes, outputs and outcomes, contribution amounts.
The applicant is required to provide the Town with:
- regular project updates
- a financial acquittal of the funds
- a final project report detailing the impact of the project on the local community.
The funding agreement will require the applicant to repay the grant funding if they cease operations in the Town of Port Hedland within two years of project completion. The funding agreement may contain other conditions.
The applicant must enter into an agreement with the Town within one month of being notified of their project being successful. Failure to enter into an agreement within this timeframe will result in the funding offer being rescinded.
More information
Email grants@porthedland.wa.gov.au or call (08) 9111 5000