Strategically located on the the Great Northern Highway between Port and South Hedland, the Kingsford Smith Business Park supports a fully serviced, easily accessible bulky goods and light industrial precinct. The Park boasts the perfect position to deliver the business needs of Hedland's light industrial retail market, and forms an important part of Hedland's continued growth into the future. With unrivalled proximity to the Port Hedland International Airport and the world's largest bulk exporting port, this could be the perfect place to start your next venture in the heart of the Pilbara.
The Town of Port Hedland is currently progressing plans for the Stage 2 subdivision of Kingsford Smith Business Park. The seven-lot land release will result in lots ranging from 1927m2 to 3833m2 in size.
More information will be released shortly on how you can secure land for your next investment.
Area benefits
- Strategically located between Port and South Hedland on Great Northern Highway
- Significant passing traffic
- Across the road from Wedgefield Industrial Estate
- Well situated, close by the Port Hedland International Airport
- Priced to sell, at market competitive prices
- Diverse block sizes available to suit a variety of enterprises
- RAV 2 rated estate roads with access from Wallwork Road
- Serviced with underground water and power
What's your next venture?
- Brewery
- Bulky Goods Showroom
- Educational Establishment
- Fast Food Outlet
- Funeral Parlour
- Light Industry
- Motor Vehicle Repair
- Motor Vehicle Sales
- Boat or Caravan Sales
- Car Wash
- Office
- Service Station
- Warehouse Storage