Urban Planning
General Planning Enquiry
A Town of Port Hedland Urban Planner will be available Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 8.00 am to 4 pm to assist customers with general planning enquiries.
We can assist with general enquiries such as:
- Land use and zoning
- Development application lodgement and process
- Statutory timeframes
- Home-based businesses
- What planning framework is relevant and the land uses that can be considered on a property
- Planning Compliance
- Crown land enquiries
- Built heritage matters
- Local planning scheme amendments
- Community consultation requirements
- General advice on local planning policy requirements
Urban Planners cannot confirm if any departure from the planning framework or development application would be supported without a formal submission.
Lodge your enquiry through the Town’s Customer Request portal or meet with an Urban Planner at the Town’s Depot Office.
Pre-lodgement Advice
The Town has a pre-lodgement service for applicants to seek advice and understand the application for development approval process better. Pre-lodgement can help identify any problem areas and possible improvements and can contribute to making the process transparent, facilitating quicker delivery of decisions, reducing time and cost savings, and promoting higher quality developments.
While the outcome of a development application cannot be guaranteed, it is more likely to succeed if it is well-prepared, aligns with the Town’s planning framework, and properly addresses and responds to relevant issues identified at the pre-lodgement stage.
Pre-lodgement service is not a substitute for seeking professional advice. Applicants who are unsure about preparing a development application are advised to consult with an independent, suitably qualified planning professional. Details of town planning consultants can be found on the Planning Institute of Australia’s website.
Please note that the Town’s initial pre-lodgement advice will be provided as a free service. If you wish to obtain further advice, you will be required to lodge a Planning and Building Information Request for ‘Written Planning Advice’ via eplanning@porthedland.wa.gov.au
For further information please contact Planning Services on 9158 9300.