JD Hardie Youth and Community Hub
Project Overview
The JD Hardie Youth and Community Hub is the Town's primary youth and community facility, catering for children and young people up to 19 years.
More than 300 youth are involved with programs at the facility each week, many of them from Indigenous backgrounds. More than 750 families are also involved in activities for children each week, while others utilise the outdoor facilities.
The Town committed to redeveloping the JD Hardie Youth and Community Hub in 2019.
Stage one, featuring a roof replacement, new air conditioning and internal refurbishments was completed in 2021 with Stage 2 - the construction of shaded outdoor basketball courts and landscaping - finished in 2022.
The Town has invested more than $14 million in the first two stages, while the State Government contributed $750,000 to Stage 2 through the Community Sporting and Recreational Facilities Fund.
Stage 3 - JD Adventure Park
Stage 3 of the project will involve redeveloping the vacant block next to the outdoor basketball courts into the JD Adventure Park.
The Adventure Park will bring the wider Hedland Playspace Precinct - which includes redevelopment of nearby Marquee Park - closer to fruition.
A BMX pump track, skills track parkour course for 12-17 year-olds, turfed area for passive recreation, bike racks, repair station and shade structures are all part of the initial concept designs for the Adventure Park.

The Town has allocated $4 million from its Long Term Financial Plan to the JD Adventure Park.
In early 2023, the Town sought community feedback to the initial concept designs, with input finding:
- Hedland is pssionate about BMX riding and scooting, with almost half of respondents considering themselves “advanced”
Most people saying they would visit the JD Adventure Park multiple times a week
A BMX pump track suitable for all skill levels was the most popular activity people wanted, followed by an intermediate BMX jump track and a parkour course. Riders want feature jumps, tabletop jumps and race infrastructure like starting ramps and spectator areas.
Read more about the community engagement results here
Read more about the JD Hardie Adventure Park development here
JD Hardie Adventure Park proceeds to next stage
Published on Thursday, 14 December 2023

The Town of Port Hedland Council has endorsed concept designs for the JD Adventure Park.
The Adventure Park is the third phase of a staged expansion of the JD Youth and Community Hub – a project which began in 2019.
The proposed Park includes both a jump and pump track, parkour area with shade and art wall, community shelter with BBQ facilities, bicycle repair station as well as planting and open space.
Town of Port Hedland Mayor Peter Carter said the Adventure Park would contribute to the liveability of Hedland.
“We want people to choose to live in Hedland, and that requires providing the social and recreational infrastructure that people expect from a leading regional town like Hedland,” Mayor Carter said.
“We have heard from our community that facilities for youth are a key priority, and bike-related activity is particularly popular. I am pleased to share with our community that this project is now moving on to the next stage.”
The project will proceed to the second design stage, which will include developing further detail for the design of the park, such as materials and specific dimensions.
The Town will seek additional funding from external parties to support the project going ahead, which Mayor Carter said was crucial to the project becoming a reality.
“The Town of Port Hedland has committed $4 million to this project. Unfortunately, we can’t fund the full costs of the project ourselves and we will be looking for partners to help deliver this valuable project for our community.”
A video of the JD Adventure Park concept design is available here.

Stage 2

Hedland community priorities drive youth precinct expansion
Published on Wednesday, 7 September 2022
Kevin Michel MLA has officially opened the second stage expansion and redevelopment of the JD Hardie Youth and Community Hub (JDHYCH) in South Hedland to deliver a premium sporting and recreational facility for the town.
The $7.5 million investment towards the second stage development was primarily funded by the Town of Port Hedland, with $750,000 provided through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries’ Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund.
The project includes three new multi-use courts, the installation of a shade shelter, an amphitheatre, landscaping and an accessible change room.
Kevin Michel MLA welcomed the opening of the second stage development to support increased access, across all ages and abilities, to Port Hedland’s principal youth precinct.
“Sport and recreation is a big part of living in Hedland, and can make a great difference to the future direction of young people’s lives.
“This substantial redevelopment not only addresses the recreation and social needs of local young people and children, but it will also serve as a primary welfare and community emergency centre.”
Initiated from community feedback and consultation, the new shaded outdoor courts also feature lighting, and are designed to provide both relief from the Pilbara climate and extend opportunities to pursue recreational activities.
With community programs offered at JDHYCH currently averaging 2,500 visits each month, the expansion will increase what activities and opportunities can be offered to children and young people.
Mayor Peter Carter said this is another example of the Town’s commitment to deliver quality public infrastructure that serves community need.
“The Town is committed to creating a thriving, resilient and inclusive future for our diverse community.
“A key part of this is investing in civic and recreational amenity and services that make Hedland a great place to live – we want more people to call Hedland home.
“Our investment in the JD Hardie Youth and Community Hub is an important step in achieving this.
“My thanks go to the teams that works with young people in our community and helped to bring this fantastic centre to completion.”

Pictured: Mayor Peter Carter and Kevin Michel MLA cut the ribbon at the official opening of the JD Hardie stage 2 works in South Hedland, Wednesday 7 September 2022.

Above: drone pictures of stage 2 construction