The JD Hardie Youth and Community Hub (JDHYCH) is the Town of Port Hedland's leading youth precinct. The state of the art building features a commercial kitchen, performing arts room, indoor court, meeting rooms and offices.

The JDHYCH is ideally situated to cater for a range of programs and activities. It is located a short distance from the South Hedland Town Centre, two local primary schools, a high school and local TAFE.

The programs and activities held at the JDHYCH cater for young people of all ages and abilities, and range from physical to creative. Each term, the team put together an amazing program of workshops, activities and excursions to keep all young people in Port Hedland engaged with the community.








Venue Hire

Birthday Parties

Book your next birthday party at the JD Hardie Youth and Community Hub. You will get exclusive access to half the stadium floor with:

  • Bouncy castle and a selection of toys (we attempt to ensure toys are age-appropriate and will consider special requests)
  • Limited fridge space & limited oven space (please note we do not cook food, only keep it warm until you need it)
  • Tables and chairs
  • Boom Box (bluetooth connection)

For more information visit the Birthday Party Information Page.

Complete the online application form to request your birthday party booking.

Make a Booking Here

Events and Functions

The JD Hardie Youth and Community Hub is a hireable facility with a number of spaces available to suit different needs and requirements.

Our spaces include:

  • Indoor Stadium
  • Performing Arts Room
  • Commercial Kitchen
  • Meeting room
  • Youth Zone
  • Exclusive facility use

Please note that bookings at the JD Hardie cannot facilitate the consumption of alcohol.

Make a Booking Here

Seasonal Hire

The JD Hardie Youth and Community Hub is home to many of Port Hedland’s sporting and recreational groups, such as Taekwondo, Dancing, Volleyball and more. Complete our seasonal hirer booking form to request ongoing rental of the facilities recreational spaces

Make a Booking Here

Get in Touch

Operating Hours

Dependent on programming

Contact Details