Current Planning Projects

Population Forecasting, Community Profile, and Economic Profile

The Town uses REMPLAN data to provide up to date population and demographic statistics.

Select one of the links below to view the Town's current Community Profile, Economic Profile and latest Population Forecasts. 

For more information on the Town of Port Hedland REMPLAN profile, click the buttons below:

Population Forecast - Growth Scenario

Population Forecast - Base Scenario

Community Profile - Summary

Economy Profile - Summary

If you would like more information on the REMPLAN data, please feed free to contact the Planning and Economic team at

Spoilbank Marina

The $187.5 million Port Hedland Spoilbank Marina project aims to transform Port Hedland's waterfront into an attractive and popular destination for locals and visitors.

The Port Hedland Spoilbank Marina is funded by the State Government through the Town of Port Hedland and the Pilbara Development Commission. The project design has been led by an inter-agency Taskforce comprised of the Town of Port Hedland, Pilbara Development Commission, Department of Transport, Pilbara Ports Authority, DevelopmentWA and Department of Treasury. The Pilbara Ports Authority is the delivery agency for the project, which is expected to be completed by late 2023.

For more information on the project, click the button below:

More Information

Public Open Space and Street Tree Strategy 

Public open spaces are generally described as land set aside for the purpose of public enjoyment and for the protection of unique, environmental, social and cultural values for existing and future generations. In Hedland, our open space network is made up of public parks, streets, play spaces, natural areas of bushland and the foreshore.

The Town of Port Hedland is undertaking a review its Public Open Space Strategy to guide how we might better protect, manage and improve our public open spaces and street trees now and into the future. 

For more information on the project, click the button below:

More Information

Signage Strategy and Wayfinding Style Guide 

The Town of Port Hedland Signage Strategy (2024) is intended to guide decisions around signage within the Town and provide a framework for determining which sign type to use, the signs design, and in what location.

To view the Active Transport Strategy for more details and the Action Plan for implementation, click the button below:

Signage Strategy 2024

Wayfinding Signage Style Guide 2024

Active Transport Strategy

Active transport includes modes of transport that require physical effort such as walking, cycling, and using a wheelchair. The active transport network describes the footpaths, shared paths, pedestrian access ways (PAWs), and associated infrastructure that supports it.

The Town has developed an Active Transport Strategy that aims to:

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the existing network
  • Identify key missing links in the network
  • Provide guidance on infrastructure considerations
  • Develop recommendations for the upgrading, maintenance, and closure of PAWs
  • Outline a framework for addressing PAW closures
  • Advocate for the education and promotion of Active Transport

To view the Active Transport Strategy for more details and the Action Plan , click the button below:

Active Transport Strategy 2023

Local Housing Strategy

The Town of Port Hedland is developing a Local Housing Strategy in partnership with the Pilbara Development Commission to provide a series of actions that facilitate and promote affordable and sustainable housing in the community.

The local housing strategy will coordinate the actions of the Town of Port Hedland, and help us create, advocate for and administer policies and programs affecting housing across all our decision making. Examples of possible strategy actions might include: changes to our planning system, rules about where and what we develop, and incentives we might provide.

Have your say!

You can access the survey here: Local Housing Strategy Survey

For more information on the project, click the button below:


Housing Solutions Summit 2021

Refer to the Housing Solutions Priorities Matrix [PDF 100 KB] for more information on the 2021 Housing Solutions Summit.