West End Improvement Scheme No. 1
The Port Hedland West End Improvement Scheme No. 1 (Improvement Scheme) was gazetted on 18 September 2020 and is now the operative planning scheme for the West End of Port Hedland. The Town's local planning scheme now ceases to apply to land within the Improvement Scheme area. The Improvement Scheme applies to land west of Taplin Street in Port Hedland, as depicted on Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) plan numbered 3.2753.
Lodging a Development Application
The WAPC is now the responsible authority for the determination of development applications. All development applications for the West End should be directed to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) who administer the Improvement Scheme on behalf of the WAPC. Should you require further assistance with the lodgement of your development application, or need additional information on the planning process, you can contact DPLH on 6551 9357 or 6551 9585.
Lodging a Building Permit
The gazettal of the Improvement Scheme and processing of Development Applications by DPLH does not affect the landowner's obligation to obtain a building permit prior to the commencement of construction. The Town remains the permit authority for all building permits.
Hedland Maritime Initiative
The administrator of the Port Hedland Voluntary Buy-Back Scheme (PHVBS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pilbara Ports Authority, now has its own identity: Hedland Maritime Initiative (or HMI). The name Hedland Maritime Initiative was selected to highlight the long-term goal of attracting a unique and attractive maritime hub in the West End of Port Hedland. It also speaks to the rich maritime history in Port Hedland, and the opportunity to bring some of that back to life.