Home Safety and Security
The Home Safety & Security Rebate scheme supports Hedland residents to enhance the safety and security of their homes and our wider community.
Under the Home Safety and Security Rebate scheme, residents of the Town of Port Hedland local government area may apply for a reimbursement of 50% of the cost of the purchase or installation of eligible security products for their home, sourced through a local supplier. This includes home security cameras which are registered to Cam-Map WA, home alarm systems, wi-fi doorbells, sensor lights, security screens and deadlocks.
To be eligible for the Home Safety and Security Rebate:
- Applicants must reside within the Town of Port Hedland Local Government Area.
- Applications must be in relation to the costs of purchasing or installing an eligible security product. Eligible security products are limited to the following:
- Home alarm system
- CCTV or security cameras, either wireless or hardwired
- Wi-Fi video doorbell
- Security door screens
- Security window screens
- Security window shutters
- Security sensor lights
- Deadlocks
- The purchase or installation of the security product must be sourced through a local supplier. A local supplier is one whose primary business location is within the Town of Port Hedland Local Government Area.
- The security product must be installed at the applicant’s residential property, being the property at which the applicant resides at the time of making the application.
- If the application is in relation to the purchase or installation of external security cameras, the camera/s must be registered to Cam-Map WA.
- Only one application will be accepted per household.
Applications will remain open until funding is exhausted. Funding is strictly limited so get in quick!
Reimbursements are available for 50% of the costs submitted, up to a maximum of $400. For example:
· If you spend $700, you may be eligible for a rebate of $350
· If you spend $800, you may be eligible for a rebate of $400
· If you spend $900, you may be eligible for a rebate of $400
To apply, visit the Town of Port Hedland Smarty Grants page.
To complete your application, you will be asked to upload:
- Proof of address
- Proof of purchase or installation service
- Photo/s showing installation of the claimed item/s
- Bank details
- Proof of Cam-Map WA registration, if your application is in relation to externally facing security cameras
Please note applications must be received within six months from the date of purchase or service provision, as shown on the receipt or invoice. The acceptance of applications outside this timeframe is at the discretion of the Town of Port Hedland. If you would like to lodge an application in relation to a purchase or service provision that was more than six months ago, please contact grants@porthedland.wa.gov.au.
To be eligible for the Home Safety and Security Rebate, any external security cameras must be registered to Cam-Map WA.
Cam-Map WA is a register of CCTV cameras, held by the WA Police. Knowledge of the locations of CCTV, supports WA Police in investigations and ultimately enhances public safety. You can find more information about Cam-Map WA here.
Why do I have to buy the product from a local supplier?
The Town of Port Hedland encourages the community to buy local, to support small businesses and strengthen our local community.
If a local supplier does not have the product I want, can I purchase it online or elsewhere and claim the Home Safety and Security Rebate?
No. The Home Safety and Security Rebate is only available for products and services sourced from a local supplier. If you have something specific in mind you are looking for, we encourage you to discuss it with our local suppliers, who offer a wide variety of products and services.
Why do I need to register my CCTV system with the Western Australia Police?
Knowledge of the locations of CCTV supports WA Police in investigations.
Registering home security cameras to Cam-Map WA is a way that we can all play our part in supporting the police and enhancing community safety.
If I register to Cam-Map WA, can the police remotely access my camera?
No. According to WA Police, registration to Cam-Map WA will not give the WA Police force the ability to remotely access your camera. Registration will simply provide WA Police with a list of cameras in the area and the owners contact details. If WA Police suspect that your CCTV system can assist to solve a crime or help in another way, they may use your registered contact details to contact you. You can find out more about how Cam-Map WA assists the police here.
I have just paid $400 for a new security system, can I claim the full $400 rebate?
No. The rebate is available for 50% of the cost of the product purchase or installation. For a $400 security system, you may be eligible for a $200 rebate.
I am concerned that my rebate application will not be approved after I have purchased the product, leaving me out of pocket.
If you are unsure whether your purchase will be eligible for the Home Safety and Security Rebate please feel free to reach out to the Community Safety Team on (08) 9158 9300 or grants@porthedland.wa.gov.au and we will be happy to discuss your application with you.
- Applications for the Home Safety and Security Rebate (‘HSS Rebate’) must meet the eligibility criteria.
- The provision of the HSS Rebate and any decisions in relation to the acceptance, processing and approval of applications for the rebate remains in the absolute discretion of the Town of Port Hedland (‘the Town’).
- The Town provides no guarantee a rebate will be provided to applicants if the budget is fully expended prior to the processing of an application.
- Prior to the installation of any security products, applicants must ensure they have any necessary permissions to do so, including from the owner of the property.
- It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the proper and lawful installation of any security products.
- By applying for the HSS Rebate, the Applicant indemnifies the Town and its employees against any claim, loss or damage arising in connection with the HSS Rebate funding, unless caused by a negligent act or omission of the Town.
- If an applicant provides false information or makes a false declaration during their application for the HSS Rebate, the applicant will be liable to repay any funds paid under this scheme.
For more information, contact the Community Safety Team on 08 9158 9300 or grants@porthedland.wa.gov.au.