Skin Penetration and Beauty
A skin penetration procedure is a procedure whereby the skin is cut, punctured, torn or shaven, or a mucous membrane is cut, punctured or torn. Adequate health and hygiene practices are essential to prevent transmission of blood-borne viruses and other infections.
Skin penetration procedures are categorised by the level of risk that they may cause to public health. High risk procedures include tattooing, skin needling, dry needling, cosmetic tattooing, acupuncture and ear and body piercing. Lower risk procedures include waxing and nail treatments, including manicure and pedicure.
Applications for a skin penetration premises must be submitted to the Town’s Environmental Health department for assessment and approval. There are special considerations and restrictions for home-based skin penetration and beauty businesses which are outlined in the Town’s Environmental Health Guidelines for Home-Based Businesses. Environmental Health Officers conduct regular compliance inspections of skin penetration and beauty premises to ensure compliance with the Health (Skin Penetration Procedure) Regulations 1998.
Useful links:
Application for Skin Penetration Procedure Establishment
Environmental Health Guidelines for Home-Based Business
WA Health: Advice for the beauty therapy industry
WA Health: Code of Practice for skin penetration
WA Health: Skin penetration procedures and the law
For further information please contact the Town’s Environmental Health department on 9158 9300.