Public Buildings
A public building is a public area where people gather for a pre-determined purpose. Examples of a public building include bars, circuses, halls, multipurpose recreational centres, public swimming pools, restaurant function rooms, theatres, hotel function and entertainment areas and nightclubs.
Applications for a Certificate of Approval of a public building must be submitted to the Town’s Environmental Health department for assessment and approval. Environmental Health Officers conduct regular compliance inspections of public buildings to ensure compliance with the Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992. The inspections address aspects including those relating to exit doors and locks, emergency and exit signage and lighting, the amount of toilet facilities provided and the maximum accommodation that is safely allowable within the public building.
Public building requirements are also relevant to events and community gatherings. These requirements are determined during the assessment period of an event application that is submitted to the Town.
Useful links:
Certification of Structural Adequacy
Form 2 – Application for Certificate of Approval
Form 5 – Certificate of Electrical Compliance
WA Health Public Buildings & Mass Gatherings Information
For further information please contact the Town’s Environmental Health department on 9158 9300.