Firebreak Variation Application Form

This form is for residents in the Port Hedland LGA who are applying for a Firebreak Variation. 

If you consider for any reason that it is impractical to clear firebreaks or other hazards as required by the Firebreak Notice, or if natural features render works unnecessary, you may apply in writing to the Town of Port Hedland, prior to the variation deadline, listing alternative methods of fire prevention on your land. 

All submissions must be made by the landowner or by a person authorised to act on their behalf, and be received by the Town of Port Hedland by 1 October each year for the ensuing season.

The authorising officer has the right to grant, refuse, alter or add any conditions to an application. Failure to comply within the time frames provided by the authorised officer will result in the refusal of the application and prosecution as if the works had not been undertaken in accordance with the Town's Firebreak and Fuel Reduction Notice.

Where an application is not approved by the Town, the owner has fourteen (14) days in which to comply with the normal requirements of the Town's Firebreak and Fuel Reduction Notice.

Landowner Details

Rateable Property Address that the Variation is being Applied for

I consider it impractical to clear or construct firebreaks or carry out other fire prevention work in accordance with the Town of Port Hedland Firebreak Notice issued in pursuant to Section 33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954 at:

Property Use (Select all Relevant)

Please select all relevant below*This field is required.

Detailed Reason for Application

The following guidelines are acceptable categories for which an application for variation may be applied.

1. The topography makes the normal placement of a firebreak impracticable or dangerous and alternative firebreak, emergency access or fire prevention methods that meet the intention of this notice are provided and demonstrated.

2. The topography/composition makes the normal methods are impracticable (cap stone, rocky or water logged) and alternative firebreak, emergency access and fire prevention methods that meet the intention of this notice are provided and demonstrated.

3. An approved Fire Management Plan for the property is in place and being conformed to and meets the intention of this notice.

4. The firebreak variation only applies to a portion of the property that is reticulated lawn that is kept green and it can be demonstrated that it is maintained.

5. Cleared access is provided to enable emergency services access to buildings and all parts of the property.

6. Firebreaks may be allowed in alternative locations to negate natural obstructions and to allow for access.

7. Where clearing for fire management is likely to affect vegetation within creek line riparian areas. These areas are recognised as Landscape Protection Areas in the Local Planning Scheme No.1 and include a 20-metre protection area around watercourses.

8. Where clearing is likely to impact upon areas of declared rare flora or environmentally sensitive areas as defined under the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004.

Property Sketch

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Alternate Prevention Measures


If you consider for any reason that it is impractical to clear firebreaks or other hazards as required by the Firebreak Notice, or if natural features render works unnecessary, you may apply in writing to the Town of Port Hedland, prior to the variation deadline, listing alternative methods of fire prevention on your land.

NOTE: If permission is not granted for this application you must comply with all the relevant requirements of the Notice. If a variation is approved, the applicant must adhere to all of the conditions as specified by the Town of Port Hedland.

A variation is valid for a period of 3 years or upon the sale of the property.
If a property requires a variation, applicants are required to apply every year before the nominated date that year. Requirements may change each year so it is advised that applicants refer to the current Notice to determine if they still require a variation.

Variations may be withdrawn at any time by the Town of Port Hedland Chief Bushfire Control Officer (CBFCO) or Deputy (DCBFCO)

Applications can be submitted in person at the Town of Port Hedland Administration Office, emailed to or sent via post POBox 41, Port Hedland WA 6721.
