Draft Parks and Paths Strategy (Closed)
Posted: 14/03/2019 Closing Date: 17/04/2019 05:00 PM

The Town of Port Hedland’s draft Parks and Paths Strategy is now available for feedback, giving residents the opportunity to have a say on the future of public space development.
The draft strategy provides both a detailed assessment of the Town’s existing parks and paths and future provisions. The purpose of the strategy is to:
- Review the overall quantity and quality of Public Open Spaces (POS) and paths
- To establish a framework for the assessment of existing POS and Paths that considers accepted industry standards as well as recognising the sites location and context
- To review the current status of individual POS and Paths through site investigations and mapping of each park
- To review the current level of service required for each POS and make recommendations as to any changes in the physical environment and / levels of service
- To identify gaps within the POS and Path network and make recommendations as to the provision of additional POS or path connections
- To review the current funding mechanisms for ongoing maintenance of POS and Paths within the ToPH
- To review future development, the requirements for additional POS and / path connections and any recommended strategies to ensure the POS and path network is optimised as a holistic entity
The Town currently maintains over 30 recreational and communal public spaces across Port and South Hedland, contributing to residents’ health and wellbeing.