Draft South Hedland Place Plan (Closed)
Posted: 24/11/2021 Closing Date: 28/01/2022 05:00 PM

On Wednesday 25 November 2021, Council received and initiated the Town's draft South Hedland Place Plan. We'd now to receive your comments on the draft Plan, which can be submitted in the comments sections below.
The purpose of the South Hedland Place Plan is to develop a community driven, place-led approach to activate and deliver positive outcomes for the South Hedland town centre.
The draft Plan's proposed actions include the inception of a South Hedland Town Team, bringing Wise Terrace to life, focussing on security and safety, promoting local creatives and hospitality, delivering cultural wayfinding and public art and improving pedestrian connectivity and greenery.
Place Plan Themes
- Invest in the fundamentals
- Pride of Hedland
- Oasis in the Pilbara
- Activate with locals
- Building the core
Please submit your comments on the Draft Plan via eplanning@porthedland.wa.gov.au by Friday 28 January 2022.