Have your say on the draft Coastal Foreshore Management Plan (CFMP) (Closed)
Posted: 23/02/2021 Closing Date: 24/03/2021 05:00 PM
The public feedback period runs from Wednesday 24 February until Wednesday 24 March 2021.
Please submit your feedback in the comments section below.
Alternatively, you are welcome to submit your feedback via the email: eplanning@porthedland.wa.gov.au
The draft CFMP provides the Town with a blueprint for how to sustainably manage the risk of cyclones, erosion and rising sea levels impacting the stretch of coastline from Wedge Street in the West End, to Cooke Point at the east end and down to Pretty Pool and Six Mile Creek.
The preparation of the draft CFMP was informed by insights uncovered during last year’s Our Coastal Future public engagement campaign, as well as the Town’s Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan.
Key management actions listed in the draft CFMP include cleaning up cyclone damage, dune stabilisation through revegetation, protecting turtle nesting areas, educating the community about the significance of the CFMP area, the trigger based reconstruction and relocation of coastal paths and assets, formalising beach access to stabilise dunes, sand nourishment in areas of erosion risk and seawall construction over the longer term.
The draft CFMP details baseline information about the coastline, including flora and fauna, as well as land use planning considerations and the coastline’s important social, cultural, economic and environmental value.
Port Hedland's coastline is susceptible to cyclones, erosion and rising sea levels: we need to know how to take action to manage these increasingly intense risk factors.