Pedestrian Access Ways (PAWs) Strategy (Closed)
Posted: 28/02/2022 Closing Date: 25/03/2022 05:00 PM

Pedestrian Access Ways (PAWs) are a means of providing unimpeded movement for pedestrians and cyclists around residential neighbourhoods. They were introduced following the change from traditional grid pattern road layouts toward designs based on cul-de-sacs and loop roads.
PAWs are often used to locate public infrastructure such as water, sewers, gas pipes and electrical cables. They can play a critical role in the pedestrian and cycle network, however can also attract anti-social behaviour, be deleterious to amenity and suffer from a lack of regular maintenance and, in some cases, remain undeveloped and not used by the public.
The Town is developing a PAW Strategy to help determine which PAWs should remain open, which should be closed and which require maintenance or upgrades. A classification system will be established identifying each PAW as either essential, retain or non-essential.
To inform the preparation of the PAW strategy, we'd like to hear your thoughts on which PAWs in Hedland should remain open, which should be closed and which require maintenance or upgrades.
Click here to access the Social Pinpoint survey to submit your thoughts on Hedland's PAWs.