Visitor information and visitor services review (Closed)
Posted: 29/05/2023 Closing Date: 29/05/2023 02:40 PM

The Town of Port Hedland is currently undertaking a review of the Visitor Centre and related visitor services. The review will look at:
- visitor information services are provided within the town
- how the Visitor Centre may enhance its engagement with the community and visitors
- the potential of alternative and additional sites to provide visitor information services.
The review will assist the Town with understanding current best practice in visitor centre operations, along with how the visitor centre can best add value to visitors and residents.
The Town is seeking community feedback on the current usage and experiences with the Port Hedland Visitor Centre and visitor services in the Town of Port Hedland.
Community feedback is extremely important in determining the future of the Port Hedland Visitor Centre.
You can access the survey here
The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete and is anonymous.
Should you have any questions, please contact:
Kim Hewson, PrincipalEconomic 884 427 Or alternatively Ryley Heap, Senior Economic Development OfficerTown of Port Hedland
(08) 9111 5000