The Town of Port Hedland proudly presents the Hedland Sports+Rec Expo, a FREE annual event for the community to explore the sports and recreation opportunities available in town, and try out a variety of different sports, introducing them to range of options to develop a healthy and active lifestyle.
Popular sports include soccer, netball, BMX and basketball. It's also a great opportunity for clubs to raise awareness of their activities and drive memberships.
Register Here
Is this event for children?
The Hedland Sports+Rec Expo is an all ages event, however there are some activities designed specifically for children.
Do I need to buy a ticket?
This is a free event, you will not need to buy a ticket. However if you have a child who wants to participate in the round robin, you will need to register your child. To save time on the day, we encourage online registrations. The first 250 to register online will also receive a free goodie bag filled with exclusive event merch.
What's the round robin?
One of the main activities at the expo is the round robin! Children will be grouped by age and rotated between a variety of sports so they get an opportunity to try out the different sports which run across town.
When does online registration close?
Online registration closes at 12pm on Monday, 17 March. We encourage you to register your child online to save time on the day. The first 250 to register will also receive a free goodie bag filled with exclusive event merch.
Can I register my child later?
To save time on the day, we encourage online registrations. The first 250 to register online will also receive a free goodie bag filled with exclusive event merch. However, you can also register your child on the day at the registration desk.
What should I bring?
A water bottle, hat and sunscreen – It will still be quite hot when we start up!
What should my child wear?
Please ensure that your child wears clothing appropriate for outdoor activities, as well as closed-toe shoes suitable for running.
Where will the event be held?
The Hedland Sports+Rec Expo will be held at Kevin Scott Oval in South Hedland – Some activities will also be held concurrently at Wanangkura Stadium.
What should I expect when I arrive?
If you're coming by yourself, feel free to start exploring the event on arrival! If you have a child participating in the round robin, please proceed to the check-in counter. Event staff will then place you child in one of the groups based on his/her age, and advise you on when the group will start off.
Club Enquiries
If your club wishes to participate in the Hedland Sports+Rec Expo, send an email to: sportsandfacilities@porthedland.wa.gov.au or call: (08) 9158 9750.
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