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Dog attack prosecution shows Town's commitment to safety

Published on Thursday, 23 May 2024 at 2:06:37 PM

The Town of Port Hedland’s commitment to public safety was demonstrated through court action finalised this week following a serious dog attack incident in September 2023.

A South Hedland woman was fined $8887.70 after pleading guilty in South Hedland Magistrates Court to 10 charges relating to the incident where her two American Staffordshire bull terrier dogs attacked a man in South Hedland.

The man suffered lacerations to his neck and face as well as scratches and abrasions to his abdomen, shoulders and legs as a result of the attack.

The dogs, which had been declared dangerous as the result of a previous attack, were surrendered to the Town and destroyed.

Acting Chief Executive Officer Craig Watts said the court action showed the Town would not hesitate to prosecute dog owners who failed to do the right thing and ensure their animals were contained.

“People have a right to feel safe walking the streets and not be attacked by wandering dogs,” Mr Watts said.

“As the Magistrate noted, this attack was significant and serious, and would have been extremely painful and frightening for the victim.”

Mr Watts said dog attack incidents had increased in Hedland over the past 12 months.

“We have had a huge increase in the number of reported dog attacks this financial year, with 84 up to 23 May,” he said.

“That equates to one attack about every four days. It’s really not good enough and we implore dog owners to be responsible and ensure their pets are kept secured at all times.”

Mr Watts also encouraged community members to report aggressive or wandering dogs to the Town Rangers.

“By reporting incidents of wandering or aggressive dogs, you are playing your part in helping to keep our community safe,” he said.

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