In this section

Community Guidelines

Social media pages managed by the Town of Port Hedland include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. These social media platforms provide an opportunity for the Town to share information about upcoming events and activities, important news updates and links to interesting and useful information about Hedland.

The Town of Port Hedland social media pages are also an important tool for the Town to actively engage with our community, serving as a place for discussion, enquiries and an active exchange of ideas.

We welcome the expression of opinions and open discussion, but comments will be deleted if they contain:

  • racist, sexist or discriminatory content, links or images.
  • violent, obscene, profane, insulting, hateful, derogatory or illegal content, links or images.
  • threatening or defaming content directed at any person or organisation.
  • solicitations, advertisements, or endorsements of any financial, commercial, private businesses or organisations.
  • multiple successive off-topic posts by a single user.
  • repetitive posts copied and pasted or duplicated by single or multiple users.
  • offensive, inaccurate, false, misleading or deceptive comments or content.
  • material which infringes third party intellectual property rights.
  • any other inappropriate content or comments as determined at the Town of Port Hedland's absolute discretion.
  • abusive comments about elected members or Town of Port Hedland employees

What to expect from us:

  • Social media pages are monitored and maintained by the Town of Port Hedland Public Affairs team during business hours.
  • We welcome your comments, questions and service requests. While we will endeavour to answer any questions, the ideal way to highlight concerns or issues around the Town is by emailing or calling (08) 9111 5000. Alternatively, we would encourage you to utilise the Snap, Send, Solve app.

What we expect from you:

To ensure that the Town of Port Hedland social media pages are friendly and welcoming for all visitors, we ask that you are respectful of others and their opinions, and do not:

  • harass, abuse or threaten other visitors to the page.
  • post comments that are likely to offend others, particularly relating to an individual’s race, age, gender, sexuality, political leaning, religion or disability.
  • use obscene or offensive language.
  • post defamatory comments.
  • post information which is factually inaccurate and may mislead others.
  • promote anything that may constitute spam, such as commercial interests, solicitations, advertisements, or endorsements of any non-government agency.
  • reveal any personal or sensitive information about others on this page, including naming Town of Port Hedland employees.
  • include your personal information including email addresses, phone numbers or home addresses in public posts.

Any person who violates these guidelines may be banned from the Town of Port Hedland’s social media page(s) at the Town’s discretion.

Associated Terms and Conditions