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Shade coming for playgrounds

Published on Monday, 13 March 2023 at 1:41:14 PM

New and improved permanent shade structures are on the way for playgrounds at the McGregor Street Park and Cemetery Beach Park!
The Town of Port Hedland has invested $450,000 for multiple structures to manage the sun and make the playgrounds more accessible for families all-year round. It is part of the Town's commitment to provide quality amenities for the community to enjoy.
To facilitate the works, the McGregor Street Park will be closed to the public from 17 March until 16 April while Cemetery Beach Park will be closed from 6 April until 5 May.
The Town is also relocating three large trees from Pretty Pool to the McGregor Street Playground at the end of March.
The two Mahogany and one Tamarind trees are being saved and relocated to provide better shade and improved user space at the playground.


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