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Shared path to connect Port Hedland and Cooke Point

Published on Wednesday, 29 March 2023 at 2:28:37 PM

The $625,000 Government grant will go towards design plans and construction of the Cooke Point Shared Path, which will improve connectivity along Port Hedland's foreshore and provide safe and inclusive pedestrian access to the coastal areas. These links will provide an uninterrupted 8km coastal dual use path for the community to enjoy with various destinations to stop at along the way.

The path is consistent with the Coastal Foreshore Management Plan which was endorsed by Council in 2021, and will continue to deliver on the Towns dual use path strategy. Currently, there are no alternative paths for cyclists to access this route. 

The grant, made possible by the Department of Transport, will complement the Town's vision to create safe, connected spaces and continue building amenities that will make Port Hedland a place people want to live and call home. The project will also encourage physical activity in the community and opportunities for developing tourism experiences. 

Last year the Town built a new footpath connecting West End to Port Hedland via Richardson, Kingsmill and Sutherland Streets. The Cooke Point Shared Path project includes construction of two new shared paths linking the corner of Sutherland and Keesing Street to Dempster Street, and down through to Goode Street. 

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