Apply to the Town's Friendly Neighbourhood Grant

Would you like to hold a public gathering to get to know your neighbours? The Town is now accepting applications for the Friendly Neighbourhood Grant, giving local Hedland residents the opportunity to host a gathering in a public space. 

With cyclone season fast approaching, knowing who lives in your area improves everyone's safety. It's particularly important that people with additional needs and senior residents are checked on and made to feel safe during cyclonic weather events.

The objectives of this Grant include:

  • Connecting the local community and helping to build new networks
  • Welcoming newcomers and/or encouraging community participation
  • Increasing neighbours' trust to activate their neighbourhood public spaces
  • Increasing neighbourhood safety, cohesion and livability


In addition to the eligibility outlined under General Funding Guidelines, applicants must be:

  • A residents within the Town of Port Hedland Local Government Area
  • Organising events hosted within the Town of Port Hedland on public spaces such as parks and verges

Value of Grant:

The maximum value of the grant depends on the amount of people at the gathering:

  • 20-30 people: $100
  • 40-60 people: $200
  • 60+ people: $250

What is covered by this Grant:

  • Catering for Kumawarniku (gathering in Kariyarra)
  • BBQ hire
  • Coffee van for street event

What is NOT covered by this Grant:

  • Events held at the rear of properties (backyards)
  • Purchase, supply or licensing of alcohol
  • Events where the purpose does not meet the objective of this grant
  • Fundraising events (if you're interested in this space, you may be eligible to apply for the Special Events Grant for fundraising events)

Funding rounds:

Applications are open all year

For more information, contact the Town's Community Engagement Team on 08 9158 9300. Ready to apply? Click here.