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Why is the project being rolled out?

The Finucane Island Boat Ramp upgrade will improve Hedland's coastal and boating infrastructure for the future.

The upgrade is a $4.5 million investment which will improve seafarer safety, stop tidal surges impacting boating vessels and people, allow more boats to use the Ramp at any one time, create more spaces for friends and family to gather and improve accessibility.

Recognising the value placed on community safety, CCTV cameras will be installed to strengthen security for seafarers using the Ramp, as well as people using the congregation areas. 

Has there been community consultation for the project?

For several years, the Town's annual community perception surveys have uncovered a desire to upgrade Hedland's coastal and boating infrastructure. These surveys have elicited thousands of responses, many of which have passionately advocated for the Town's long term investment in publicly accessible boat ramps.

The Town promotes local business partnerships within the region by giving preferential consideration to regional suppliers in the procurement of goods or services via tender or quotation. This will directly support local job creation during the ramp's construction phase.

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Key Benefits

Construction Timeline

  • Stage 1 works are now well undeerway and include the construction of a new sea groyne, a 2.4 metre wide walkway, bollards, parking bays, kerbsides and barriers, light poles, waiting lines, resurfacing existing pavements, new disability access ramps, footpaths and more
  • Stage 2 works will focus on the development of a functional carpark, kerbing and launch area atop of the boat ramp. Design measures will be implemented to control four-wheel drive movements and reduce impacts on the boat preparation area at the top of the ramp. A hard strand trailer turn area will be included, along with additional traffic signage. Overall, trailer and visitor parking capacity will be significantly increased. Dilapidated shade structures will also eventually be removed and replaced at the site
  • Stage 3 works will consist of installing new CCTV cameras for strengthened security
  • Stage 4 works will include the duplication of the ramp and installation of a dividing jetty, which will allow the simultaneous launching and retrieval of vessels to reduce congestion and increase capacity

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Project Partners

The Ramp upgrade is one of the Town's projects listed in the Invest in Hedland prospectus, with the Town projected to spend $2 million on the project and Government / Industry contributing $2.5 million.