Public Statement Time - Council Meetings

Public Statement Time enables a member of the public to put to the Presiding Member of a Council or Committee meeting a statement concerning the business of the Town of Port Hedland.

Members of the public can provide a statement to Elected Member for the following:

  • Ordinary Council Meetings
  • Special Council Meetings
  • Audit, Risk and Governance Committee Meetings

Anyone wishing to make a statement is required to complete the below form which will be forwarded to the Governance team for their records.

The following general rules apply to statement time:

  • Members of the public are encouraged to submit statements in writing.
  • Statements should only relate to the business of the council and should not be a question or personal opinion.
  • Only statements relating to matters affecting Council will be considered at an ordinary meeting, and at a special meeting only statements that relate to the purpose of the meeting will be considered.
  • Statements which are considered inappropriate, offensive or otherwise not in good faith, duplicate or variations of earlier questions, relating to the personal affairs or actions of Council members or employees, legal advice, legal proceedings or other legal processes will be refused by the Chair and will not be recorded in the minutes.
  • A summary of the statement given during Public Statement Time will be recorded in the Minutes. 

Before Public Statement time the Presiding Member will read the following statement regarding Audio Recordings of meetings:

“This meeting is being recorded on audio tape as an additional record of the meeting and to assist with minute-taking purposes which may be released upon request to third parties. If you do not give permission for recording your participation please indicate this at the meeting. The public is also reminded that in accordance with Section 20.3 of the Town of Port Hedland Local Law on Standing Orders nobody shall use any visual or vocal electronic device or instrument to record the proceedings of any meeting unless that person has been given permission by the chairperson to do so.”

For more information about audio recording of Council and Committee meetings please refer to Council’s policy 1/015 ‘Audio Recording of Council and Committee Meetings’.

 If you have any questions about how to fill out this form, please contact our Governance team on 9158 9300.


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