A message from Water Corporation

Published on Friday, 1 October 2021 at 1:09:40 PM

Water Corporation would like to thank the residents of South Hedland, Wedgefield and surrounding areas for their patience and support while we undertook repairs to our damaged water main yesterday (30 September).
Unfortunately, the work took much longer than anticipated due to a number of unforeseen technical issues, mainly related to the ground conditions at the site. Given the need to restore water as a priority, the decision was made to postpone the permanent fix and effect a temporary repair to reinstate the supply.
The temporary repair means that some customers may experience low water pressure at certain times of the day, which we are working to resolve.

During the outage, our teams were very grateful for the community spirit and understanding that you showed them, and for your messages of support.

We would especially like to thank the Town of Port Hedland for helping us keep the community informed, and the volunteers from the Police and DFES, who helped us distribute the bottled water supplies.

We are planning to return to the site in the coming weeks to complete the permanent repair to our infrastructure. We will provide advance notice and endeavour to complete the job overnight to lessen the impact to our customers.

We would like to apologise again to the community and our customers for the disruption and inconvenience caused.

For any issues related to the outage, please contact 13 13 75 (24/7).

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