Draft South Hedland Place Plan now open for comment

Published on Thursday, 25 November 2021 at 1:07:45 PM

The Town of Port Hedland’s draft South Hedland Place Plan (the draft Plan) has been released for public comment.  
The purpose of the draft Plan is to develop a community-driven, place-led approach to activate and deliver positive outcomes for the South Hedland town centre.
The draft Plan’s proposed actions include the inception of a South Hedland Town Team, bringing Wise Terrace to life, focussing on security and safety, promoting local creatives and hospitality, delivering cultural wayfinding and public art and improving pedestrian connectivity and greenery. 
In March 2021, the Town partnered with Town Team Movement, ASPECT Studios, and wOnder City + Landscape to develop the draft plan collaboratively. 
The draft Plan was informed by extensive community consultation, including over 400 received comments, 18 stakeholder meetings, pop-up shop engagement, a walkshop, two co-design workshops involving 48 participants, a Town Team Sundowner and the South Hedland Bloc Party. 
The draft Plan reinforces the Town’s shift towards community-led outcomes and place-based approaches, strengthening interdepartmental collaboration. 
Place plans require local governments to partner with local people and organisations to define and work towards outcomes, rather than a top-down approach. 
Mayor Peter Carter welcomed Council’s decision to initiate the draft Plan and encouraged residents to provide comments. 
“I’m pleased Council decided to receive and initiate the draft South Hedland Place Plan, which puts the future of South Hedland Town Centre in the community’s hands.
“As a local government, we’re excited to be moving towards place-based approaches to planning featuring more community involvement. 
“The draft Plan focusses on delivering tangible outcomes for the community, including making Wise Terrace inviting through better accessibility and more greenery, making the space feel safer and more welcoming and finding ways to support local creatives and hospitality operators in the vicinity. 
“The draft Plan brings together local government, businesses, community groups and residents around the following place-based themes: invest in the fundamentals, pride of Hedland, oasis in the Pilbara, activate with locals and building the core.
“Milestone actions have been developed out to 2024, providing key stakeholders with a framework for achieving the outcomes set out in the draft Plan.”

Click here to access the draft Plan.

For media information:
Laura Hawes
Manager Corporate Affairs
(08) 9158 9365 | lhawes@porthedland.wa.gov.au

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