Message from Water Corporation - upcoming temporary water outage

Published on Monday, 13 June 2022 at 1:41:24 PM

A message from Water Corporation:

Short overnight water outage - TUESDAY 14 JUNE from 11:00PM

Residents in and around South Hedland are advised of a short overnight water supply interruption from 11:00pm this Tuesday, 14 June to 5:00am Wednesday 15 June, for upgrades to the South Hedland water supply scheme.

Residents in South Hedland, Wedgefield, Redbank and nearby sections of Great Northern Highway will experience a gradual reduction in water pressure, followed by a supply interruption of up to four hours.

Please prepare by refrigerating drinking water, filling buckets to refill toilet cisterns and showering before 11pm this Tuesday.

Those with special water requirements are encouraged to contact Water Corporation on 13 13 75.

Water Corporation apologies for any inconvenience and thanks residents for their patience during these important works.

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