Next Generation Playgrounds Improve Hedland’s Built Environment

Published on Friday, 27 September 2019 at 12:29:38 PM

Two tenders have been awarded to reinvent the Cemetery Beach Park and Shay Gap Memorial Park Playgrounds, part of the Town’s capital works program.

Yurra Pty Ltd have been awarded a contract valued at $824,945.86 to rebuild the Shay Gap Park playground in South Hedland.

Active Discovery have been awarded a contract valued at $406,554.08 to rebuild the Cemetery Beach Park playground: these works were moved forward due to damage incurred by Cyclone Veronica.

Hon. Commissioner Fred Riebeling said the Town was committed to delivering a better built environment for all families.

“A key pillar of the 2019/20 annual budget was a $1.2 million playground replacement program, focussed on meeting the needs of children of all abilities.

“We are committed to meeting the outcomes outlined in the Town’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2017-2022.

“Our objective to retain and attract families in Hedland depends on communal areas which encourage physical activity, social interaction and most importantly, fun.

“Cemetery Beach Park incurred significant damage during Cyclone Veronica, therefore we decided to fast track these works due to the area’s popularity.

“Both designs provide for more open space, more features for children to explore and aesthetics which complement the natural environment.

“Crime and anti-social behaviour is a consistent concern in town, so I was pleased to see that Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) informed these submissions.

“I look forward to seeing the construction of these playgrounds in the following months.”


Artist impression of the Cemetery Beach Playground upgrades .                          

Artist impression of the Shay Gap Playground upgrades.

For media information
Laura Hawes, Manager Marketing Events and Communications
(08) 9158 9365

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