Crossover Policy

On 22 May 2019 council passed a motion to revise the Vehicle Crossover Policy No 9/005. The subsidy amount has been amended to cover 50% of the standard concrete crossover. The subsidy amount has been retained at $1,000 per residential crossover and increased to $5,000 or 50% of the total crossover cost for commercial and industrial crossovers, whichever is lower. An additional $5,000 maximum subsidy payment will also be available for the first crossover requiring stormwater drainage components installed to Town specifications. Landowners who apply for subsidies must attach supporting invoices to prove that the stormwater drainage components have been installed in accordance with Town of Port Hedland Specifications. Only one subsidy can be applied for per property.

Vehicle Crossover Policy-9-005

Vehicle Crossover Specifications

Vehicle Crossover Drawings

Application Form - Vehicle Crossover

Application Form - Vehicle Crossover Subsidy

Conditions for work within a Road Reserve

Application form - Works within a Road Reserve