Have Your Say
The Town of Port Hedland's vision is to collaboratively create a thriving, resilient and inclusive future for our diverse community.
Hearing from our community is a crucial part of achieving that vision. We seek feedback in different ways, from ongoing community engagement and legislative consultations, to our biannual Community Perception Surveys.
You can always send us feedback by:
The Town of Port Hedland is responsible for overseeing planning and building applications.
Depending on the significance of these applications, they are sometimes required to be advertised to the public for feedback.

Often we need community feedback on ideas we have for future strategies and plans, or even infrastructure projects.
We might ask for thoughts in a range of different ways, including surveys. You'll find information about these opportunities here.

Every two years the Town of Port Hedland runs the MARKYT Community Scorecard.
This is an opportunity for Hedland to have its say on how the Town is performing. You can also find results of previous surveys here.

At the Town of Port Hedland we are committed to involving the public in the decision-making process. The ability to ask a question at our Council meetings is viewed as an integral part of the public's ability to participate.