Mail Delivery in Port Hedland

Published on Monday, 18 February 2019 at 3:24:12 PM

We’ve been advised by Australia Post that mail is being incorrectly addressed and is therefore being returned to the sender.

The Post Office only delivers to certain areas within the town site, all other areas are known as non-deliverable zones.  A non-deliverable zone is not serviced by Australia Post, therefore if your mail is addressed to one of these zones it is returned to the Post Office where they try to match the address with a Post Office box, if no match can be made then they are considered as return to sender.

As it is the responsibility of the receiver to ensure that mail is addressed correctly it is recommended that mail be addressed either to a residential address within the deliverable zones or to a PO Box located either at South Hedland or Port Hedland Post Offices to ensure that you receive your mail.

Please note Star Track does deliver parcels to these zones but not mail e.g. envelopes

Below is a map of non-deliverable zones in the town site, it also includes some areas of Port Hedland such as the Commercial area in Port Hedland, Darlot Street, Wedge Street and Charles Ball Drive. If you are unsure if you are affected by the zoning, we recommend that you contact either the Port Hedland or South Hedland branch of Australia Post to discuss.

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