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Town of Port Hedland & BHP Community Sports Awards 2024 Nomination Form

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Nominator Details (Your Details)

Nomination Category

Click here[PDF 600 KB] to download a copy of the full eligibility criteria for all award category

Sporting Group of the Year

Awarded to an organisation who has demonstrated outstanding work and contribution to the Pilbara sporting community in the areas of organisational development, people development and participation within their chosen sport.

Participation and attendance at a minimum of one Every Club workshop or Town of Port Hedland lead Club development workshop, consultation and/or event initiative in 2024.*
Has the club/association increased or maintained if level of service and memberships from the previous year?*
Can the club demonstrate sound financial management?*

Junior Sportswoman of the Year

Awarded to an individual whom has achieved outstanding success in their sport.

Is your Nominee under the age of 18 as of Sept 2024 and resides in Port Hedland*
Selected/and or competed at Nortwest Country State National and / or International Championship*
Not been suspended, disciplines or reprimanded at any level of competition*

Sportswoman of the Year

Awarded to an individual whom has achieved outstanding success in their sport.

Is your Nominee over the age of 18 as of Sept 2024 and resides in Port Hedland*
Selected/and or completed at NorthWest Country State national and / or international Championship.*
Not been suspended, disciplines or reprimanded at any level of competition*

Umpire/Official of the Year

Awarded to an individual who displays strength and character and/or provided considerable achievement, support to the development of individuals/teams in their chosen sport

Has the nominee completed a Level 1 National Accredited course relevant to their chosen sport/s?*

Coach of the Year

Awarded to an individual who displays strength and character and/or provided considerable achievement, support to the development of individuals/teams in their chosen sport.

Has the nominee completed a Level 1 National Accredited course relevant to their chosen sport/s?*

Volunteer of the Year

Awarded to an individual who has displayed outstanding conduct as a volunteer in the support, administration and delivery of services to the sport within the Pilbara region.

Participation and attendance at a minimum of one Every Club workshop or TOPH lead Club development workshop, consultation and/or event initiative in 2024.*
Did the person receive remuneration for their service to the club/association?*

Service to Sport

Awarded to an individual whom has made significant and sustained contributions to the sporting community over a long period.

Junior Sportsman of the Year

Awarded to an individual whom has achieved outstanding success in their sport.

Is your Nominee under the age of 18 as of Sept 2024 and resides in Port Hedland*
Selected/and or completed at NorthWest Country State national and / or international Championship.*
Not been suspended, disciplines or reprimanded at any level of competition*

Sportsman of the Year

Awarded to an individual whom has achieved outstanding success in their sport.

Is your Nominee over the age of 18 as of Sept 2024*
Selected/and or completed at NorthWest Country State national and / or international Championship.*
Not been suspended, disciplines or reprimanded at any level of competition*

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