Structure Plans
Structure Plans provide a framework for the coordinated provision and arrangement of future land use, subdivision and development including the provision of transport networks; public open space; utility and service networks; urban water management; development standards; and community infrastructure and other investment and staging programs.
Area A - Lot 503 Forrest Circle Structure Plan
The Area A - Forrest Circle Structure Plan generally relates to Lot 503 Forrest Circle, South Hedland. The objective of the Structure Plan is to provide for transient and key worker accommodation, with some initial residential development and transition to full residential development over the long-term.
Lot 503 Forest Circle Structure Plan
Lot 503 Forest Circle Structure Plan Report
Athol Street Structure Plan
This structure plan has been prepared for the ‘Athol Street’ future urban development site within the East End of Port Hedland. The site comprises various Crown Land allotments (totalling approximately 48.89 hectares) with management under the Town of Port Hedland, Water Corporation or is unallocated Crown Land. The structure plan is intended to guide the future use, subdivision and development of land within the site area. The Athol Street Structure Plan was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 20 January 2021 (WAPC Ref: SPN-2276).
Athol Street Structure Plan
Athol Street Structure Plan Report
Boodarie Strategic Industrial Area Structure Plan
The Boodarie Strategic Industrial Area (BSIA) is located approximately 10km south west of Port Hedland. The structure plan coordinates the detailed land use and development of the BSIA, and was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 13 October 2017.
Boodarie Strategic Industrial Area Structural Plan
Hamilton Road Structure Plan
The Hamilton Road Structure Plan generally relates to Lot 331 Hamilton Road and Water Corporation Reserve on Lot 2944 North Circular Road, South Hedland. The objective of the Structure Plan is to facilitate the orderly and proper subdivision and development of the land into a conventional residential estate with a variety of lot sizes providing a diversity of permanent housing types.
Hamilton Road Structure Plan
Hamilton Road Structure Plan Report
Hedland Junction Structure Plan
The Hedland Junction applies to all undeveloped land previously subject to the Wedgefield Industrial Estate Structure Plan (WIESP). The subject site is approximately 220 hectares in area, positioned within the Wedgefield Industrial Estate. The Structure Plan has the potential to deliver between 80-100 industrial lots of a range of sizes. A focus has been given to the refinement of the transport network and links for RAV rated vehicles, ability for the lots to appropriately provide for a range of general industrial uses with a focus on transport development and the incorporation of water sensitive design at a lot and public realm level.
Hedland Junction Structure Plan Report and Appendices
Koombana Area Structure Plan
The Koombana Area Structure Plan generally relates to Lot 3435 Daylesford Close, Lots 3505, 3506, 3508, 3713, & 3715 Koojara Loop, Lot 3509 Kabbarli Loop and Lots 3570 & 3625 Captains Way, South Hedland. The objective of the Structure Plan is to deliver a high quality residential estate that recognizes the existing nature of the surrounding area, whilst providing diversity in housing options and a high level of connectivity with surrounding areas.
Koombana Area Structure Plan
Koombana Structure Plan Report
McGregor Street and Clark Street Structure Plan (Telstra Site)
The McGregor Street and Clark Street Structure Plan generally relates to Lot 2 McGregor Street and Lot 5474, and Lot 4 Clark Street Port Hedland. The objectives of the Structure Plan are to facilitate the development of the subject site for a diversity of housing typologies, and facilitate development of works in order that the provision of new housing coincides with the decommissioning of the Spinifex Hill STP.
McGregor Street and Clark Street Structure Plan
Osprey Rural Structure Plan
The Osprey Rural Structure Plan applies to approximately 121.26 hectares of land owned by the Department of Communities in south east South Hedland. The Structure Plan will ensure this land is ready for residential development for approximately 1,177 dwellings, and includes several public open space reserves, a local centre and a school site. The objectives of the Structure Plan are to provide affordable housing through low density and medium density residential development options. The Osprey Rural Structure Plan was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 02 October 2019.
Osprey Rural Structure Plan
South Hedland Town Centre Structure Plan
The South Hedland Town Centre Structure Plan relates to land generally comprising the South Hedland Town Centre , South Hedland. The objectives is for South Hedland Town Centre to be an attractive, vibrant, mixed use locality for community services, shopping, recreation, work and residency. The Development Plan was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 19 May 2014.
South Hedland Town Centre Structure Plan
Stables Structure Plan
This structure plan has been prepared for the ‘Stables’ future urban development site within the East End of Port Hedland. The site comprises various Crown Land allotments (totalling approximately 27.16 hectares) with management under the Town of Port Hedland, Regional Power Corporation or is unallocated Crown Land. The structure plan is intended to guide the future use, subdivision and development of land within the site area. The Stables Structure Plan was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 20 January 2021 (WAPC Ref: SPN-2277).
Stables Structure Plan
Stables Structure Plan Report
Stanley and Parker Street Structure Plan
The Stanley and Parker Street Structure Plan generally related to Lot 1693 Parker Street and Lot 2119 Stanley Street, South Hedland. The Structure Plan has been prepared to facilitate residential subdivision and development that will assist in meeting a demand for housing in this region. A mix of residential densities have been proposed, encouraging a variety of lot sizes to cater for a diversity in housing options for existing and future residents of South Hedland.
Stanley and Parker Street Structure Plan
Stanley and Parker Street Structure Plan Report
Western Edge Structure Plan
The Western Edge Structure Plan covers a 155ha area immediately to the south west of the South Hedland Town Centre, and has the potential to yield approximately 1,600 dwellings on a diverse range of lot sizes. The land is owned by the State of Western Australia with planning being progressed by Landcorp and Cedar Woods, to facilitate timely delivery of residential land and affordable housing in response to changing market demand in South Hedland. The Western Edge Structure Plan was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 19 December 2017.
Western Edge Structure Plan